Bone Broth...What is it?

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We've all heard about it but very few of us really know what it is or the health benefits of it...Bone Broth.

What is it?

It is a broth or stock made by roasting and then boiling beef bones high in collagen, like marrow bones.

Broth or Stock?

The confusion comes from the traditional definition of stock, which is more viscous due to the collagen that seeps out of the joints and bones during long term cooking.  Broth, which is thinner and is made with more actual meat, versus meat-stripped bones used for stock.

What are the Benefits?

Bone broth is rich in minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline.  The collagen in bone broth heals the lining of your gut and reduces intestinal inflammation.

Bone broth has been found to help heal Leaky Gut, arthritis, auto-immunity, improve digestion, allergies, immune health, brain health, and much more.  Broth is also helpful to have on hand when anyone in the family gets sick as it can be a soothing and immune boosting drink during illness, even if the person doesn’t feel like eating.

What Nutrients are in Bone Broth?

Aside from all the benefits of all the proteins and sugars, and whatever nutrients might be hiding in the marrow, bone broth is extremely high in minerals.  Bone broth from land animals, like beef, are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.  

How to use Bone Broth

Homemade Broth/Stock can be used as the liquid in making soups, stews, gravies, sauces, and reductions. It can also be used to saute or roast vegetables.  

In times of illness, drink bone broth until you start feeling better as it supports the body but is very easy to digest so the body’s energy can go to healing. In cases of stomach bugs or vomiting, bone broth often calms the stomach very quickly and helps shorten the duration of the illness.

Do you already make Bone Broth?  Will you try it now?  Share your tips and tricks!